Mindful Outdoor & Yoga Retreat

July 14-16, 2023.
Connect to all living things and the world around you. Become fully aware of your body and your place in the natural world. Awaken your powerful ancient skills and innermost wisdom

About the Retreat

This three day, two night experience is defined by wide open skies, gorgeous landscapes, crystal clear waters, and seasoned guidance from your hosts Eric and Dima. You will practice daily yoga and participate in unique and powerful nature-based experiences, such as: meditative nature encounters, forest bathing, basic survival skills, and ancient practices like fire ceremony and council circle.

Most importantly you will disconnect from all unnecessary “noise,” reconnect to the parts of yourself that have been held back by modern society, and gain the mental clarity to discern what is truly essential for your life.

You will leave this retreat feeling rejuvenated and vibrant, grounded and resourced so that you can meet any life challenge with ease and grace.

The Details

  • We arrive to Beaver Ridge Forest (in Washington, MA) on Friday at 3pm and leave on Sunday around 4pm.

  • All meals are provided and are organic with vegan options. 

  • Participants stay in a tent that they can either bring or request prior to the weekend.

  • All other items needed are straightforward and will be clearly communicated. If for some reason you do not have an item we will do our best to either loan it to you or guide you to where to get what you need.

  • It is OK if you have limited or no experience sleeping in a tent or spending time in the woods.  This journey is about re-wilding yourself, learning new skills, and re-awakening the parts of yourself that went dormant :)

Cost: $500, $250 Deposit

About Eric

Eric Bloomstein is a certified Kripalu Mindful Outdoor Guide (level 1 & 2) and the creator of Rainmaker Education, an organization which builds solutions where students and their families flourish together. Eric’s background in leading powerful nature-based experiences and educational programs blend seamlessly in this offering. His passion and love for the natural world is contagious and his skills in leading groups in a mindfulness context is exceptional. He is self inhabited, open, vulnerable and inspiring to anyone he comes into contact with.

About Dima

Dima Bosko is the creator of One Voice Yoga and one of the leading voices of functional yoga in the Metrowest area. Dima’s interest lies in the practical application of spiritual illumination, embodiment practices and functional movement. As a student of consciousness for 25 years, Dima has over 3000 hours of trainings in mindfulness and yoga and has spent many years immersed in women’s circles and ceremonies with wise elders and distinguished embodiment experts from around the world. In her yoga classes Dima combines movement, breath work, music, touch and chanting to deliver unique group experiences. She is known for balancing stability and fluidity, strength and relaxation.